
On the 25th of July `09, we have been visited by semashur or Sekolah Menengah Sains Hulu Selangor. All of them are from the Board Of Prefects and the main objective is to exchange information with the SDAR Prefect Board. They visited the Academic block as well as the hostels. They were very impressed with the modern buildings of sdar as well as the breathtaking landscape.

the unreleased photo of SDARIANs

This is some of the unreleased photo of sdarians

sdar kite fest!!!!

On the 15th of July 2009 there was a kite flying competition organized by Kelab Pelancongan dan Pencinta Alam. It was really fun and enjoying activity as there`s no such activity held before. Some of the participants managed to get their kite flying high while some were just playing on the ground. Congratulation to the winners and to others, try your best in the next kite flying competition.

photos by haziq

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